Corporate Services

Better Business Bureau

Alternative modalities for a healthier organization

TPCG specializes in training individuals, corporations and trauma-centric organizations to understand, identify and retrain stress patterns that undermine most job performance. In the corporate realm we balance specialized soft skills trainings with the operational side of business. We offer packages to help support specific financial goals by identifying your areas of greatest performance improvement. Sessions are tailored to specific, measurable and realistic revenue, performance and team goals. Our sand box approach enables us to identify and correct mistakes before your organization has to.

Trauma-centric approach

Our specialized approach for law enforcement and other trauma-centric vocations creates a platform upon which individuals begin to identify the early signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, gain perspective during crisis, determine the personal impact, steer clear of dysfunctional patterns, and derive healthier options. These techniques are not intended to replace therapy or professional counseling sessions. They are additional tools individuals can use in conjunction with their own existing or professional resources.


Learn more about TPCG services as seen in:

June, 2011
Teaching Cops How to Destress for Success
Read Westword feature on Lisa Wimberger

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